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Screw Windows

Entry 17 - 02/08/2025

I've been waiting for SteamOS to be officially released, but I got impatient... So I installed Arch Linux with KDE Plasma onto that laptop from some older blog posts (02 and 11). I actually quite like it! It was easy to install, it is quite easy to use, and after some configuring, looks quite nice too!

It makes me feel much better about Windows 10 support ending, because I'd rather take a baseball bat to my PC than use Windows 11 :) There's a good chance SteamOS 3.0 officially releases around Windows 10's end-of-support, but in any case I hope it's within the next couple months!

More ramblings of a mentally disturbed individual

Entry 16 - 02/05/2025

Got a pretty neat potential deal with my boss coming up here soon! Might help make and maintain the pizza establishment's website for some extra cash, which would be pretty sweet. Lord knows I need it... And I feel I should note that the website will be designed to look modern and professional! The old internet gimmick is fun but not everyone appreciates it. Also thankfully I haven't gotten burnt out and tired of the job thus far! It's a pretty sweet gig and has enough different about each day that it's not sucking my soul out of my body :)

On another note, I've been working on a punk vest for my girlfriend! Purchased a few patches for mine as well. Since I've never posted it on my website, here's the official vest reveal:


When my girlfriend's vest is completed, I'll show it off as well. And since I'm showing off things I've made, check out this Minecraft castle I've built -- I made it in a mod for Beta 1.7.3 called "Better Than Adventure!" It's pretty sweet:

Thanks for reading tonight's blog post, we'll see if I start writing more in the coming weeks :-) Have a good one, reader!

Merry Christmas :)

Entry 15 - 12/26/2024

...and happy holidays! Hope you've had a nice holiday season, because mine has been pretty sweet! For the last couple weeks I've been playing a lot of ELDEN RING since a streamer I like to watch got me back into it. I bought it a long time ago but despite taking all that time to get into it, I now totally love it. I went from having barely left Limgrave to beating the entire game (and getting the Age of the Stars ending) :-) I also started working at a pizza joint I quite like not too long ago, so in the Tarnished spirit, I bought the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. I'm yet to get to it, but I'm excited! Just have to finish my second journey first...

I mostly got new clothes for Christmas (yes I asked for long-sleeved shirts) but I also got a Moog Theremini! My mother and I have always occasionally brought up how cool it would be to own one, and now I have a neat little Theremin sitting on my desk beside me. It'll definitely take some time before I'm any good at it though!! Anyhow, I hope 2025 starts off (or started off) well for you! Feel free to share with me what you got for Christmas or whatever! Thanks for reading :)

I want to make a game.

Entry 14 - 11/29/2024

In the GoldSrc engine. If you don't know what that is, that's the engine from the 1998 classic "Half-Life". It'd probably functionally be a Half-Life mod but I want to use completely original assets to tell a unique story with tech original to the project. Now if you do know how to work with GoldSrc, please do contact me! I have limited experience, only going so far as to make some of a Source map (for Garry's Mod). I would greatly appreciate any assistance possible! I'll come back with updates about the project from time-to-time, but I've only committed to the idea yesterday so we'll see how far this gets.

You've got to be joking

Entry 13 - 11/06/2024

Who wants a fascist, racist, pedophilic criminal in office? If you answered "nobody," you'd be wrong, as apparently ~72 million people do! American citizens really aren't beating the "stupid" reputation, as apparently a lot of them like to vote based on vibes and what fucking Joe Rogan says instead of factually proven information about the candidates. I haven't got too much to say but this is just really unfortunate. On another note, I'm looking for a drummer for my punk band. Hit me up.

Halloween? In October!

Entry 12 - 11/03/2024

Hey guys :-) So Halloween came and went, and it was pretty sweet! There were very few trick-or-treaters, which leads me to believe Halloween is practically on its deathbed, but I went out with my girlfriend and sibling and we had a good time! The candy haul was more than sufficient and did our candy trades while we watched Ghostbusters 2 (a criminally over-hated movie). And you may have noticed by the picture -- I shaved my head! Big change for sure, but I was ready for a fresh start on my hair.

On another note, here's some stuff I've done recently that I haven't written about here -- I went to a Native American Powwow earlier last month, I've borrowed a copy of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams from my father in an attempt to start reading some more (to no avail), I went to another Ginger Root show and had a blast... And that's about it for now! Still doing college stuff, working on music for that music producer gig I've got, and playing video games in my free time. Hope you're doing well if you're reading this :-) Until next time!!


Entry 11 - 10/09/2024

In April 11th's blog post, I wrote about a laptop I totally messed up. I was trying to install Windows XP on it (which was probably my first mistake) and I completely wiped the drive (which was my second mistake). Almost 6 full months later, I finally got the laptop up and running again! It's running Windows 7 and I've used it the last couple of days for school and editing my website :-)

On another note, I've completed my Ghostbusters costume! The proton pack is pretty sweet, it lights up and makes sounds. I want to add something to the straps so I can put the anglehead flashlight like how it is in the video game. Otherwise I'm pretty happy with how the costume's turned out!

Life Updates 2: The Second One

Entry 10 - 09/06/2024

Recently, I've been going to school again! Community college (majoring in programming) to be specific. It's been pretty cool so far, I like the campus and the classes are easy for now. When I'm eventually making programs with Python for class, I'll probably share some here! The one I was previously attending sucked total balls, especially because my schedule was totally out of wack. 6 to 8 pm classes a half hour away from my home in the city were not pleasant!!

On another note, my Ghostbusters costume is almost fully complete (other than the proton pack, of course)! I've definitely spent some dabloons on this thing but I think it turned out pretty good! My buddy might help me get hired at a Spirit Halloween soon, and if I do, I might get a pretty decent discount on that pack. I could use it ;D Also if I get hired there, the Ghostbusters uniform might end up being my work uniform. As funny as that would be, it's been pretty hot outside for a while so I'd hope it cools off ASAP!!

Unrelated -- I'm thinking about creating a mailing system for blog updates. I have no idea how to achieve this, but if you have suggestions, please contact me!!! I may have made this website from scratch but I still need all the help I can get with that kind of stuff!

Click image to enlarge

Halloween? In June?

Entry 09 - 06/29/2024

Long time no blog post :-) My 19th birthday was a couple days ago (June 26) and I've just been rolling with the punches. I got more games for my Xbox 360 -- being Borderlands, Ghostbusters: the Video Game, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (I only play Zombies), and Dark Souls.

On the topic of Ghostbusters, though, I've been thinking about an excuse to do a full Ghostbusters costume, and Halloween is only in 4 months. I've wanted a good Ghostbusters costume for a long time, and since I have a decent job with decent hours at this point, I'd be able to purchase one :) It's definitely expensive though! I have a planning doc on my desktop, and it comes out to $700 if I get the costume for myself and my girlfriend. That's only one Proton Pack though, because the only decent one I can find (that isn't over $1k) is the $270 Spirit Halloween pack.

As expensive as it is, I'm looking forward to having this. I'm going to buy it in pieces over the next couple months so it's not a huge financial hit all at once. When the full set is assembled, I'll post a photo here on my blog. If you're curious to see my planning document, click here :)

Life Updates

Entry 08 - 05/08/2024

It's been a bit since I've touched my website! Naturally as I run out of ideas to change it, I'll update it less, but I think it's more-so just laziness. But speaking of laziness, I finally got a haircut last Saturday! I'll likely update my About Me with a portrait of myself sometime within the next few days, but my hair was down to about mid-chest, and now it's to my shoulders in a different hairstyle. I've been meaning to rewrite my About Me but I just haven't gotten around to it lately.

I do want to spend more time away from my home, out in nature. Two days ago, I went to a nature park with my buddy Noah, and we walked maybe 6 or so miles of trails! It was pretty nice, but next time we'll probably aim to go hiking on a dryer day. As much comfort as I find in my computer chair in front of my screens, I do love hanging out with my friends/girlfriend and doing something to break up the monotony. I highly recommend it :)

Hanging out with old people

Entry 07 - 04/28/2024

My grandfather lives about 45 minutes from me, so I figured it'd be nice to spend some time with the old man. We worked on some music together, watched some videos about caves and stuff, even watched World War Z (2013) :-) He's a big part of my life, being the reason I bought lava lamps and use a lot of optical media. I don't often go out and visit but it's always nice.

If you're not too far from your grandparents (or even your parents), and you have a decent relationship with them, try taking some time out of your weekend to go hang out with them. They'd probably appreciate it a lot more than they'd let on!

Enjoying even more obsolete media

Entry 06 - 04/24/2024

This time I'm not just talking CDs, I'm talking VHS. I discovered an old VCR in a closet near the living room, and my Ma dug some old tapes out of her attic/crawlspace thing. These include the first two Beatles movies, Tank Girl, and two home tapes from the late 80's/early 90's starring my grandfather and my mother as a child. In one of them, "1987: A Year in Review", my grandfather was 33! He's now 70 years old; he still sounds and acts just about the same, other than not being able to run very well!

I honestly do really like VHS, other than how much more "involved" you have to be when watching them. Streaming/digital media is definitely easier, but VHS has that novelty feel that streaming doesn't. On that note, though, I'm planning on digitizing these old home videos while they're still around. I might post them to YouTube once I do!

Enjoying obsolete media

Entry 05 - 4/21/2024

Lately I've been buying a lot of CDs. Just a month ago, I hadn't touched the small stack of CDs that had been sitting in my closet for genuine years. But in the past two weeks-ish, I've bought probably around 6 new CDs, including some Billie Holiday, The Beatles' Revolver, the Distillers' Coral Fang, and a couple others. Unfortunately, Distillers is the only punk CD I've been able to find in-person thus far, but that's okay!

I also bought some lava lamps and some posters (the new ones being TMNT and LoZ:BOTW) for my room, and I'm really liking the look of it. Here's what it looks like:


That also kind of serves as a room reveal! Anyways, I'm definitely liking it right now. Feels nice for sure :)

Making music again

Entry 04 - 4/18/2024

Having not released anything since October 2022, I thought I might never get my motivation back. But shockingly, last night, I got back to finishing an old track that isn't done yet!! And even more shockingly, I feel excited to work on it later today! It's a really nice change of pace.

I think what's been hurting my motivation for so long is my habit of watching YouTube or playing videogames on my PC all the time. That's why I'm not going to even turn it on until I'm happy with the track. I'll update my blog as I finish the music, and I might even put the music on my website before it's on streaming services. We'll see!

The quest for a unique webpage

Entry 03 - 4/17/2024

I love that I have a website now. It's refreshing to have such a flexible form of self-expression. The problem here is that I want my website to be something people want to come back to more than once or twice. I don't know what I'd add to my site to achieve this, though. I've thought about adding a forum, but I'm not knowledgable in PHP or SQL, nor do I know if I'd even need both of those to make a forum! And a guestbook is out of the question if I can't code it myself. I don't want to pay for or advertise any services on my page.

I'd also like to have a less-overused background for my site. The space thing looks clean and nice, but I want an animated background that everyone and their grandma hasn't used on their retro-style website. I'm not trying to rip off the 1996 Space Jam website...

If you have any ideas or background submissions, please contact me! I'd love to hear suggestions and ideas. I'm currently at somewhat of a loss...

My experience trying to install Windows XP on real hardware

Entry 02 - 4/11/2024

It's not going great, I'll admit. I mean, it'd be going a lot better if I hadn't completely wiped the hard drive on this laptop, but here we are.

I got my hands on this crummy laptop at work today that probably hadn't been used since 2019. I saw it was running Windows 10, so naturally I was disgusted, and rushed to figure out how to downgrade to Windows 7. Honestly, that would've probably gone a lot smoother. But then I'm thinking, "Oh but it would be so nice to give Windows XP a try! Screw it, why not!" My co-worker handed me a mini-SD card in a USB adapter to give it a shot, and I struggled for probably about 2 hours straight trying to get this stupid thing to work. It would randomly stop being read by any computers, and was overall just unusable.

Later, after I've gotten home, I sat down at my PC to work on it some more. I got my actually reliable USB thumbdrive, and put the Windows XP .iso on it. Plug it in -- it doesn't work. I try reformatting the drive or trying extracting the .iso -- still not working. After a couple more shots, I finally get the installer loaded up, but I don't see the HDD as a valid storage space for the OS. That's when I get the very bright idea to completely wipe the drive! And so I do.

And then I don't partition the drive, so now the laptop's HDD is COMPLETELY UNUSABLE!!!

I will say, this could have been a much nicer experience had I thought things through a little longer before acting impulsively.

What's even worse is that after attempting to save this whole post, NeoCities decides to shut me out of my own website. I then have to paste my "blog.html" text into Notepad++ to save what I wrote, but for some reason, there were NO brackets, slashes, or quotes when I pasted it. You can imagine the joy I felt...

First blog post :D

Entry 01 - 4/10/2024

I'm finally trying to really get a website together. Just for the fun of it. I've always wanted one, but now I'm trying to make it my own. How fun :)

 "Twilight Realm" 
 from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess