My Grandfather

My grandfather with his daughter, my mother one of my favorite people ever. From his fascination with New Wave music to his hippie decor (lava lamps, dream catchers, even a plushie of Jerry Garcia he has on his shelf), I love that guy. He showed me The X-Files a long time ago when I was maybe around 12 years old, but I didn't get into it. I'm glad I didn't because I wouldn't have been able to appreciate the story of the show -- I wouldn't have understood anything. Despite that, earlier this year (2024), I was thinking about it for some reason I can't remember and I finally decided to give the entire show a watch. At the time of writing, I'm halfway through season 8, but I can definitively say The X-Files is my favorite show I've ever had the pleasure of watching.

Mulder and Scully

Now don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely no UFO conspiracy nut -- however, there's something about it that I find so silly yet comforting and fascinating. There really are people who believe there are advenced civilizations with spaceships dedicated to messing with humans. It's a very novel idea and I personally love it. X-Files covers all sorts of conspiracies (government and supernatural alike), but my favorite has definitely been the extra-terrestrials.

 "X-Files Theme" 
 by Mark Snow