
This is a personal blog website! As with any website of its kind, I use it to pour out my thoughts, share things I've created, and hopefully share some stuff that could help you in some way or another! I'd recommend checking out the Media Gallery, especially if you like to create/edit videos, or if you'd like some GIFs to customize your own website or SpaceHey page :)

If you have any advice, criticisms, or questions, I also have a contact form you can use! Thanks for visiting my website, and I hope you enjoy your stay!!

Check out the guestbook!

About me :)

My name is Hadyn, and I'm 19 years old (born 6/26/2005). I've grown up around computers, and because of that, I've taken an interest in web development and coding. I've come to realize how much the Internet has fallen in terms of quality -- I grew up with Windows 7, before the YouTube algorithms took over the site and web design still had a lot of detail and charm in it; that era of the World Wide Web is extremely nostalgic for me. I've always liked older media (games/music/etc) so I find comfort in the current design of my webpage.

me (punk rock baby. also very awesome)

You can frequently catch me playing video games, never sticking to one for too long. My favorite of all time is definitely Half-Life 2, and I've been infatuated with Valve's games (excluding DOTA and CS) for a few years. Not too long ago, I was also introduced to Dungeons & Dragons, and I've been having a lot of fun! If you knew my father, you'd just know he makes a perfect Dungeon Master.

I infrequently make music, with "Sincerely" being my most listened. But outside of making it, I listen to a lot of music from jazz to hardcore punk! I tend to be real picky with music, even within my favorite genres, but click here for some examples of my favorite tunes. :)


Click here to view the full changelog

Most recent update:

02/23/2025 -- Update 23 (big!)

  • The main content box is a static size now, you scroll inside of it! I think it complements the sidebars much better. Speaking of which...
  • Added some fancy new sidebars! Wanted to fill some of the empty space, and I figured something out :)
  • Added some JavaScript to make changing consistent things across the whole website much easier
  • Footer now uses a texture (that the sidebars also use) instead of a flat grey color
  • Removed some of the buttons in the bottom left, and removed some of the others' links
  • Buttons that link to other pages now dim when hovering over them with the cursor

This was a pretty big visual update! Let me know your thoughts if you have any feelings about it!

Have suggestions or dislike a recent update? Let me know!

Recent Blog Posts

March 3rd 2025 — Screw Windows (For Real This Time) (view)

February 24th 2025 — Drop Dead Feratu (view)

February 8th 2025 — Screw Windows (view)

February 5th 2025 — More ramblings of a mentally disturbed individual (view)


  • Learn how to make a guestbook or forum from scratch
  • Fill out some more space on the right sidebar
  • Find some more sweet websites to put on the right sidebar

 "Mii Maker - Editing a Mii" 
 from the Nintendo Wii U